Press the Voice button. SYNC™ will ask for a command.
Your vehicle should be parked, the engine running and your radio on. Overseas model shown.
You can have more than one phone paired, so SYNC™ makes it easy to switch between any one of them.
Press the Voice button. SYNC™ will ask for a command.
Your vehicle should be parked, the engine running and your radio on. Overseas model shown.
Say: “Phone”. SYNC™ will confirm your command.
Your vehicle should be parked, the engine running and your radio on. Overseas model shown
Say: “Connection”.
Your vehicle should be parked, the engine running and your radio on. Overseas model shown
Say: “Delete”. Then press Delete using the corresponding console button.
Your vehicle should be parked, the engine running and your radio on. Overseas model shown.
Press Yes to confirm using the corresponding console button.
Your vehicle should be parked, the engine running and your radio on. Overseas model shown.
We recommend that you delete paired phones you no longer use before pairing new phones with SYNC™.